Customer View

In the customer view, available bikes including a photo, with a concise description and the price for the entered period are displayed. Everything at a glance – simple and fast.
This view can be integrated into your own website. The customer enters their reservation themselves and receives a confirmation by email.

1. Choose Rental Days and Bikes

Available bikes are visible directly after selecting the period.

  • Select period
  • Choose bike category
  • Select available bikes
    • Optional: select pedals

2. Select equipment

Add a bike lock, helmet, or child seat with one click.
The following price models are possible for bikes and accessories:

  • Free
  • Daily price
  • Scaled prices by rental duration
  • One-time flat rate
  • Seasonal prices

3. Enter Contact Information

  • Enter contact information and accept terms and conditions
  • Additional fields are possible. E.g.,
    • Accommodation
    • Room number
    • Passport number
  • A confirmation link will be sent to the provided email.

4. Confirm Email Address

  • Click the confirmation link in the email.
  • A reservation summary will be sent to the customer and the rental operator.
  • The reservation will be visible in the calendar.