Daily Overview Feature

Daily email notification about reservations and reserved bicycles for the current day. For example, every morning, employees receive an overview of the bicycles that need to be prepared for pickup. Recipients, send time, email subject, and more can be configured.


  1. Status
    • Inactive:
      The function is deactivated.
    • Active - Daily:
      An email is sent daily, even if there are no reservations for the day.
    • Active - If Reservations Exist:
      An email is sent only if reservations exist for today.
  2. Content
    • Reservations and Bikes:
      The email contains details about the reservation (customer, period, etc.) and information about the reserved bicycles.
    • Bikes:
      The email contains only information about the reserved bicycles without details about reservations.
  3. Time: Time of day for sending the overview.
  4. Recipients: Email address(es) of the recipients of the overview.
    • Multiple addresses should be separated by semicolons (;).
  5. Subject: Email subject.

To check the overview, you can send a test to an email address or directly open the preview.

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